
Showing posts from November, 2011

Homeward Bound

Many young Brits tend to flee the nest at the tender age of eighteen to begin a new chapter at University. This new found freedom can be a shock to the system for many reasons. Mainly because their pile of dirty laundry stops magically working its way into the washing machine and back onto their hangers within a day... But once the penny drops, the liberty of being able to do whatever you want, whenever you want is a glorious realisation. However, after three years of late nights, greasy takeaways, and rarely washed bed linen; the reality for most is the post-University debt forces people back under their parent’s roof. Now don’t get me wrong, being catered for and having hot meals put on the table on a daily basis is the easy life. But when your mother starts hassling you to tidy your room then the cracks begin to show. But for most, there is no choice but to grin and bear your parent’s rules in order to save, save, save. Affordable housing is a hot topic within the political ag