
Showing posts from December, 2010

A Little bit of Resolve... what I need now (according to the Foo Fighters). But now that 2010 is drawing to an end this is exactly what is on the forefront of people's minds. Instantly most will probably dwell on the fact they haven't ticked everything off their never-ending bucket list, and the things they have done will probably consist of, errrr, joining the gym and then realising this will be the first thing to go back on the list because they quit after one month... This guilt coincides with the post Christmas blues (I don't always talk about Christmas, promise) as people struggle to zip up their favourite glad-rags that they planned to paint the town red with on NYE. The fact that we, as a human race, feel the need to purge for our sins and promise to ourselves that we endeavour to do better in the new year, poses the question in my mind: Are we our own worst enemy? Unless you're some sordid serial killer whose spent the past year on a major rampage, I'm sure most of us ha

For Christ(mas) Sake!

Now that over-commercial Christmas is done and dusted for another year, we’re already being encouraged to reach for the cream eggs in replace of the Christmas cake. We haven’t even had the chance to drown our sorrows/celebrate to the sound of Auld lang syne before we’re planning the next religious holiday.  But how many of us can hand on heart, shout from the roof tops, say that they're an avid Christian? I would argue a small minority. And more importantly, the onus placed on spending a phenomenal amount of money on pointless crap makes me want to tear my hair out. Is there a reason why we don’t go crazy over every Jewish and Muslim holiday as well? Except for the obvious reason that history hasn’t told us too.  But given how multi-cultural we are these days, it doesn’t surprise me if we go down that route just to comply with ‘human rights’. Another Act that gets my goat. Don’t get me wrong, I’m the last person to turn down any excuse to party, but I do try and draw the lin